Business Coaching – From Stability To Growth For Small Businesses

May 11, 2013 by  
Filed under Business

Business Coaching

Running your own business, depending on the size, can mean learning to be a Jack of all trades and inherent in that notion is the danger of becoming expert in none.  For small business owners managing (and on occasion micro-managing) every arm of their business while also finding time to conduct the crucial activity of growing the firm, can seem like an impossible Read more

Putting A Business Plan Into Practice

May 8, 2013 by  
Filed under Business, Employment

Making a Business Plan Work

Management is a complicated job and it’s fair to say that even those carrying out the role don’t always know what it entails. For many, it is about putting together a strategy that will see the company thrive in the future. They may spend many hours drawing this up until they feel that every single aspect is absolutely perfect. Sadly for these people, that is only half the Read more

How Will Recruitment Levels Change Sector By Sector In 2013?

May 7, 2013 by  
Filed under Business, Employment, HR

Recruitment Levels in 2013

The job market is under quite a lot of scrutiny at the moment because of the continuing struggle for growth in the British economy. Businesses are feeling the squeeze, but it’s wrong to assume that all sectors are on the verge of collapse. Companies are still recruiting and expanding and there are still opportunities for people to make forward steps in their professional careers.

Graduates are always under a fair amount of pressure to find work quickly because they are keen to hit the ground running when they emerge into the ‘real’ world of career choices. So what are the current trends in the Read more

Getting A Job In The HR Department

May 6, 2013 by  
Filed under Business, Employment

Tips for Getting a Job in the HR Department

Human Resources is a department where a lot of people would love to work but other than doing a degree in business studies and hoping there’s a position out there when you complete it many people are unaware of the opportunities that are out there to get a job in an HR department and there really are a lot more than you think.

The easiest route that a lot of people dismiss is through your Read more

Research Can Make Your Business A Success

May 3, 2013 by  
Filed under Business

Research = Success

If you want your business to be a success you need more than a state of the art product. You’ll also need excellent marketing skills and be able to convey why your product is the best available and why it’s leading the market in terms of design and performance. And to do this you’ll need to keep in touch with current competitor products whist also keeping in touch with industry feeling about the products you are developing.

One of the best ways to stay in touch with developments in your field of expertise is to attend numerous exhibitions. Exhibiting at a conference or exhibition which specialises in your particular field can be extremely Read more

What you Need to Know to Recover your Google Rankings

April 19, 2013 by  
Filed under Business, Technology

An SEO Introduction

If you have seen a drop in your Google rankings, it is vital for you to first establish whether your site has been hit by either the Panda or the Penguin algorithm. Penguin is the cause if you can see a search traffic drop on the 24th April 2012.

The keywords that dominate your exact match anchor text are the ones usually hit the hardest by Penguin. The free back-link checking tool at is the most convenient way to analyse your current keyword anchor text.

Linking Profile

The keyword density for each keyword link needs to be less than Read more