Four Factory Floor Checks For Better Health And Safety

May 1, 2013 by  
Filed under Business Law, Employment

Better Health and Safety

If you work on a factory floor then taking on the role of health and safety officer is a huge responsibility that shouldn’t be taken lightly. To do the job properly, you’ll need at least basic training that provides you with recognised health and safety qualifications. Once you’ve been trained you can keep abreast of any health and safety issues on your watch by performing these four checks Read more

Vaporizers – The Law and Regulation

Vaporizers and Regulation

All smokers are well aware of the risks that take with their health every time they light another cigarette.As a smoker you are more likely to die from cancer or a smoking related disease. There is an increasing movement making lots of noise, voicing their concerns over the potential dangers of e-cigarettes and vaporizers.

Tobacco manufacturers have a vested interest in protecting Read more